The Orthopacifix Charitable Trust promotes orthopaedic health care in the Pacific through
establishing networks and facilitating volunteer work, education and disaster relief.
Vision no.1 - a helping hand
Lending a helping hand is a win - win situation. The Orthopacifix Charitable Trust was born out of a desire to give back to our community with an acknowledgement that by doing so our professional and personal lives are enriched. The trust is formally incorporated with charitable status under the New Zealand Charities Commission.
Vision no.2 - volunteer work
We regularly volunteer in the Pacific Islands, and see this work as a long term partnership which is rewarding and carries significant responsibility. We ensure that the work we do is well planned, sustainable, carried out to the highest possible standard and appropriate for the context in which we work. We work with the existing infrastructure to ensure that aftercare and follow-up will be provided.
Vision no.4 - disaster relief
The Asia Pacific region is vulnerable to disasters. This is not only because of its geography but also socioeconomic and political factors which can make the impacted communities more susceptible. Limb injuries requiring orthopaedic care are particularly common in disaster situations, and the required surgery needs to be done well. Disaster response is increasingly becoming a professional activity which requires careful implementation. We are involved with key organisations to help ensure that New Zealand can help provide appropriate high-quality surgical care at these times of need.​
Becoming Involved